Mesin Grafir Laser 3020 dapat digunakan untuk memotong acrylic dalam bentuk teks/logo/merk perusahaan maupun instansi. Warna acrylik yang beraneka ragam menambah daya tarik setiap huruf yang dipotong. Selain memotong acrylic, mesin ini juga berfungsi sebagai mesin gravir ukir huruf/logo bahkan bisa gravir foto. Paduan dari akrilik yang berwarna-warni ditambah dengan grafiran di atasnya akan menghasilkan karya seni yang menarik, apalagi dituangkan dalam bentuk gantungan kunci dan display lainnya.

Model : 3020
Laser power : 40 watt
Tebal maks. potong akrilik : 5 mm
Area potong max. : 30 x 20 cm
Temperature Operasi : 5 oC- 45 oC
Kecepatan grafir (mm/s) : 400
Resolusi (mm): 0.015
Voltase : 220V, 50Hz
Dimensi mesin (cm): 80 x 53 x 27
Berat (kg) : 35


Mesin Grafir Laser/Laser Engraving 4030 dapat digunakan untuk gravir & memotong acrylic dalam bentuk teks/logo/merek perusahaan maupun instansi. Dengan kekuatan power laser yang besar, memungkinkan mesin ini bisa memotong acrylic sampai ketebalan 5mm. Acrylic tebal yang dipadukan dengan ukiran grafir yang indah menghasilkan berbagai macam plakat-plakat/piagam menarik yang biasa digunakan dalam suatu event/perlombaan atau sebagai penghargaan kepada seseorang. Banyak juga  interior ruangan yang juga menggunakan bahan akrilik. Untuk penggunaan Outdoor, acrylik huruf yg dipadukan dengan lampu menghasilkan merek toko/perusahaan/instansi yang sangat exclusive.

Model : Mesin Grafir Laser 4030
Laser power : 40 watt
Voltase : 220V, 50-60Hz
Area grafir max. : 40 x 30 cm
Temperature Operasi : 5 oC- 45 oC
Kecepatan grafir (mm/s) : 0-500
Kecepatan cutting (mm/s) : 0-25
Resolusi (mm): 0.015
Dimensi mesin (cm) : 80 x 65 x 40
Berat (Kg) : 80


Product Features :
1. Aluminum and honeycomb dual platform
All high-speed side rails ensure the super-high engraving precision, low noise. Big size machine(such as 1390 laser engraving machine) and big machine narrow model couldn't achieve such high precision.

2. The DSP control system, Ruida board
DSP Control system and Ruida board can ensure the engraving and cutting task completed quickly at one time.

3. Aluminum and honeycomb dual platform
Aluminum platform and standard positioning holes,which can guarantee the quality of sharp engraving and simplify the repeat engraving. Honeycomb platform can guarantee product cutting effect more perfect (achieve engraving and cutting task complete at one time).

4. Durable,and can achieve mass production
24 hours of non-stop use,laser engraving machine enlarged from stamp machine that sell on the market couldn't 24 hours whole day non-stop use.

Application Area :

1. Advertising Industry : trophies, authorization card, dual color plates, acrylic etc.
2. Office Industry : menus, recipes, tender, invitations, personalized business cards etc.
3. Packaging Industry : wine box,tea packing box etc.
4. Gift Industry : glass cup, bamboo etc.
5. Decoration industry : rubber,printed version

Model : Laser engraving machine 6040
Laser power : 80 watt
Power : 380 watt
Voltage : 220V, 50-60Hz
Max.engraving area : 60 x 40 cm
Temperature : 5 oC- 45 oC
Engraving speed (mm/s) : 0-500
Cutting speed (mm/s) : 0-25
Resolution (mm): 0.015
Machine dimension (cm) : 135,2 x 77,2 x 121
Weight (kg) : 174


Product Features
1. The DSP control system, Ruida board
DSP control system and Ruida board can ensure the engraving and cutting task completed at one time.

2. Linear module
Straight side rails guarantee the fine cutting of products

3. Mold components
Ensure consistency and stability of batch machines.

Appliciation Area:
1. Electronics, clothing, packaging, advertising, office, handicrafts etc.
2. Industries cutting
For example : touch screen, conductive film, backlight panels, acrylic, cloth, leather, wood, paper, resins, medals, die cutter, compisite materials,etc.

Model : Laser engraving machine 1390
Laser power (optional) : 80/100/120 watt
Power : 380 watt
Max. acrylic thickness for cutting : 1 cm
Voltage : 220V, 50-60Hz
Max.engraving area : 130 x 90 cm
Temperature : 5 oC- 45 oC
Engraving speed (mm/s) : 0-800
Cutting speed (mm/s) : 0-600
Resolution (mm): 0.015
Dimension (cm) : 182 x 132 x 100
Weight (kg) : 280
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 256 (100 Baru)
Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Senin - Sabtu  : 08.30 - 17.30 WITA
Minggu / Raya : Tutup

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